Cooking Tips

This is a guide to cooking times for lentils and chickpeas according to how you like them – "al dente" or "soft" – or for what you are preparing.

Lentil cooking tips

For an “al dente” lentil

For a soft lentil

Cooking time in boiling water

Perfect for

Cooking time in boiling water

Perfect for

Red lentils

5 mins

Dips, salads or pasta sauces

10 mins

Lentil mash, pureed soup, dhal, burgers, casseroles

Green lentils

10 mins

Soups, salads or pasta sauces

20 mins

Lentil mash, pureed soup, curries, casseroles, burgers or cakes

French green lentils,
Black lentils, Spanish brown lentils,
Persian red lentils

5-10 mins

Soups, salads or as an accompaniment to fish, poultry or lamb (any dish you want the lentil to hold its shape)




Chickpea cooking tips


For an “al dente” chickpea

For a soft chickpea

Cooking time in boiling water

Perfect for

Cooking time in boiling water

Perfect for

Presoaked overnight

5 mins

Soups, salads, curries, tagines, casseroles

15 mins

Pureed soup, Hommus dip, burgers, curries, tagines, casseroles


30 mins

Soups, salads, curries, tagines, casseroles

60 mins

Pureed soup, Hommus dip, burgers, curries, tagines, casseroles